DustyNewt News & Sneak Peeks:
Friday Roundup from the DustyNewt Workshop 07/19/2024
Today’s “17 Step Commute” Dashboard…
Temp: Currently 84 degrees. High of 94 today 😎
Humidity: 5 on the “Soup” scale. (1=light broth, 5=thick chowder)
Today’s Playlist: Eclectic Friday, shuffling my entire iTunes library.
Conditions: Typically steamy and hot, with afternoon rains to boost our mini rainforest yard.
Estimated Travel Time: 19 seconds
Food: Banana and Apple
Coffee Level: 1/2 Tank
On the Workbench…
Aside from my online orders (Sneak Peeks below) I have been keeping busy this week with the obligatory yard work, trying to stay ahead of the mid-summer rainforest that is our Florida property. Slow and steady wins the race… or at least, lets us survive it.
Admittedly, I have been seeking the cooler realms of our air-conditioned home during the hotter parts of the day. I am in the midst of writing my Monday blog, this time on embracing mistakes (stay tuned by subscribing for FREE below).
I am also continuing improvements in my Etsy and Goimagine shops (always tweaking), researching merchandising tips, spreadsheets and graphic design education on Canva. Skipping around in these subjects helps my brain absorb the material and leave when it starts to overwhelm me.
I hope your summer is progressing as peacefully.
A very hard and rigidly durable wood from Central and South America. It is medium reddish-brown in color, typically with golden medullary ray “spots” throughout. This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. I use Leopardwood for my Name Chopsticks, Keychains and MiniTags.
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Sneak Peek Slideshow
Here are the orders carved and shipped from my DustyNewt workshop this week.
DustyNewt World ~ A map of where I have shipped my woodstuffs. See if your town is represented.
If you are enjoying what you see… I like it hot and black. 😉
Leopardwood!?!?! Whodathunk!?!?!