A Balancing Act
Finding equal time for happiness. News and views from the DustyNewt Workshop 08/09/2024
Today’s “17 Step Commute” Dashboard…
Temp: Currently 45 degrees. High of 52 today (Brrr…🥶)
Humidity: 2 on the “Soup” scale. (1=light broth, 5=thick chowder)
Today’s Playlist: K99 on InternetFM.com
Conditions: Our week of Florida winter is here!
Estimated Travel Time: Office work today. In jammies and socks.
Food: Leftover Jambalaya? Hmmmm…. Hot turkey soup with grilled cheese tonight?
Coffee Level: 3/4 Tank
On the Workbench…
Staying toasty in my office today, catching up on listings, bookkeeping and this blog. I finished a batch of “mistakes” yesterday and they are now finished in the “Ready-Made” section of my Etsy store.
Chuck is lounging within petting distance.
Slow motion today.
Sneak Peek Slideshow
A quick view of the orders carved and shipped from my DustyNewt workshop this week.
A Balancing Act
Finding equal time for happiness.
To me, balance is the key to finding peace. Being a card carrying Libra, I am constantly seeking balance. Working from home puts the onus of finding balance squarely in my lap.
Turns out, it is a lot easier than it sounds. With all of our modern ways of communicating and online interaction, outside influences are constantly bombarding you. You just have to determine where your equilibrium line is drawn. When to say no.
What Is Balance?
Balance has different meanings, at different times, to different people.
In love, it is in finding the one who shares your interests, enough to keep conversations and adventures together going, but at the same time having differing opinions and viewpoints to challenge each other, to the point of causing improvement.
To a business owner, it means earning a fair profit while giving value and service to your customers, while scheduling free time.
To a cook, it means to create healthy, well-rounded dishes with spice and ingredients that compliment each other, with all the daily requirements to keep our bodies functioning.
To a builder, it is finding that sweet spot to place that supporting member or constructing usable buildings that are aesthetically pleasing.
Personally, it can mean your “bottom line”, or what you have leftover from paying bills.
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Outside Stressors
Working from home allows for a lot of distractions. It is easy to get sucked up into the ether or a household project and lose track of time. I strive to control this everyday.
Here are some tips at controlling the input and output in your daily life.
Do not listen to all day news. Fox and CNN (etc.) are entertainment shows that sensationalize a few grievous stories while totally ignoring the ones closer and more immediate to you. I scan certain trusted news websites, local and national, for about 30 minutes each morning over coffee. Then I’ll scan it again before bed. The outside world can have its countless, so-called “Breaking News” stories for the balance of the day.
Music hath charms… Set your mood and select your daily score. Rock, Jazz, Zydeco… whatever your groove happens to be at the time. Dial it in and RIP THE KNOB OFF! (unless the neighbors are asleep).
Let “Voicemail” handle your phone calls. I do not do business over the phone. 90% of my incoming calls are spam and they usually come at times during a glue-up in the workshop or while cooking and eating our evening meal. If they are legitimate or important, they will leave a message that you can reply to at your convenience. There is no law that says you have to answer a phone call. I have always hated talking on the phone. I prefer email or text messaging because it gives you time to ponder your reply and give a more complete response, with pics or links if needed.
Equalize your business time. I am at the point where half of my work time is spent in the office at my computer and half in the workshop, creating woodstuffs. It balances my right- and left-brain functions.
Leisure is not to be forgotten. As you balance your work time, you must also give equal time to family, friends and the fun things that make life worthwhile. Go play pinochle. Take a hike. Remember what the beach looks like?
If you come close to finding balance, you will find peace.
I currently sell my work on Etsy ONLY. Beware of spoof sites, using my photos and descriptions. You will be disappointed ordering from them.
DustyNewt World ~ A map of where I have shipped my woodstuffs. See if your town is represented.
If you are enjoying what you see… I like it hot and black. 😉